Enoctus:关于香港机房的公告 / 真正给你们划一下重点

昨天 Enoctus 香港机房被上游 ADCDATA 拔了网线,导致他家香港机器全部失联。此种原因我没有去了解,但是无非就那么点事,被打了,ADC 也受了牵连,受不了了,拔!谁对谁错,非要找个人怪罪,那就是那些不好好卖自己产品非要到处打的商家。

今天 Enoctus 终于发布了公告,看着还挺可怜的?可怜之人必有可恨之处,可恨的就是他家经济实力不够,技术实力不够,以及运营能力太弱,一厢情愿想提供廉价香港 VPS 而忽略了复杂的国情以及无耻的竞争对手。


  1. 中国直连由于攻击暂时被取消了;
  2. 正在建立新的香港机房,预计一个月内;
  3. 短时间内我们不会提供直连;
  4. 新的机房也不会中国直连(为什么很多网站都不提这一点?这才是重点好吗??不要避重就轻啊。)
  5. 我们还在努力重新直连,但是没有任何时间保证(嘴炮的事情,谁不会)


Enoctus 给我的感觉就是一群小孩,永远在嘴炮,下周直连,下个月直连,明年肯定直连!其实一开始他家上线香港直连的时候我就不推荐(虽然网站发了文章,但是并没有推荐买,并且从一开始我就说过很多次这是灵车),不过经不住他价格这么便宜,还是很多人在买,搏一搏万一单车变摩托了呢?毕竟 Dedicenter 那样的商家都有很多人买。但是我还是需要再强调一遍,一分钱一分货。如果你觉得花这钱买这个刺激,成功让你爽了,那我无话可说;如果你花这钱觉得一个月能有几小时直连就不错了就值了那我也无话可说;反之,如果你真是想买个好用的香港 VPS,劝你以后还是老老实实多花点钱买个靠谱的。能用钱解决的事情(何况又没多少钱),何苦让自己这么糟心?

至于对 Enoctus 目前这种情况的应对,如果你不想这么糟心,建议直接申请退款(虽然不厚道,但还是可以去争议);如果不在意这点钱,那就扔着继续吃灰(比如我之前为了测试买了一个,发现教育网没法用,原因是教育网回程走了 CN2 而 ADCDATA 把教育网回程的 TCP 回程给禁了,脑回路怎么想的我也不知道,反正都挺扯的,ADC 这家也是不靠谱。于是我的一直在吃灰,后来给同学用了);如果还想继续体验心跳的感觉,继续享受每个月难得的几个小时直连,那也继续拿着吧。


Hong Kong Updates
Dear PianyiVPS.com,

As you might be aware, DDoS attacks activity has recently exceeded network capacity in our Hong Kong region. Due to the scale of these attacks and overall network incapability in China & Hong Kong, we have been forced to unplug our DDoS protected line for now. Direct China routes are currently suspended due to increasing cost as a result of the attacks. Our contract with HKDC1 has ended back in March. This will not affect our future approach to the Hong Kong region – we treat all of our premium locations with equal care and attention to reliability and service stability.

The future.
We are currently establishing a new datacenter location in Hong Kong which will be ready within a month. This new location will allow maintaining our standard service guarantees of uptime and reliability.

Due to the complexity of Chinese routing, we will probably not be offering direct lines to China for the short term. However, the new location will still offer direct connection and under 50ms latency towards Asia-Pacific region, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore etc. – all countries except China, and we will still provide access to restricted websites such as TVB, Netflix, Youtube.

Meanwhile, we’re still working to re-establish direct routing to China with CN2. At this point, we can’t provide any timeframes for this to happen due to certain circumstances being outside of ours and our upstreams’ control – DDoS attacks.

The migration process will require no actions or changes from your side. There will be no IP changes and we don’t expect any significant downtime during this process. In most cases, this would be an entirely unnoticeable change.

The good news is that pricing in Hong Kong will soon match with all our other 4 regions without compensating on uptime or features. You will no longer have to pay a premium for the Hong Kong location. We are planning to apply the change immediately after we re-establish our Hong Kong location. (Starting from $5 p/m). Anyone with current, more expensive deals, will have their pricing updated back to the original ones as soon as the situation is under control.

As usual, our best deals for our Hong Kong location can be found on our partner network – https://www.zhujiceping.com/28406.html . Those will remain active for an indefinite amount of time and they’re still the most affordable deals both in present and future plans.

Current services
We would also like to remind that refund requests will notbe processed due to this being an external factor caused by our competitors in China and extreme market overtaking in short periods of time. We are, however, happy to credit the full amount paid back to your Enoctus balance for future use.

We would like to once again thank our customers for the continuous patience and loyalty during these significant changes to our Hong Kong location.

We do not advise submitting support tickets regarding the points listed above as that would delay our operations. Our customer service team is currently going through a large queue of tickets. If you believe your matter was answered by this email, we would greatly appreciate if you close your support case.

As usual, thank you for your business with us.