阿里云国际新手套餐 2.0 即将下架,不再赠送优惠流量包


阿里云国际新手套餐一直都是“真香套餐”,月付 2.5 美元起的直连新加坡 VPS。但是之前已经传出了消息新手套餐优惠 6 月 30 日结束,今天阿里云国际 AlibabaCloud 发来正式邮件通知,新手套餐 2.0 在 6 月 30 日全线下架,不再供应,请大家做好数据转移工作。




Dear Customer:

Starter Package Version 2.0 will be taken offline starting from June 30, 2020. All existing renewal discounts will no longer be applicable as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Please pay close attention to this notice as you are using ECS instance(s) from Starter Package Version 2.0. (If you no longer have instances from Starter Package Version 2.0, please ignore this notice.)

When Will Starter Package Version 2.0 Be Taken Offline? 

10:00 AM on June 30, 2020 (UTC+8).

What Should I Do If I Want to Continue Using Alibaba Cloud?

Here are three recommended solutions that you can choose from according to your actual situation and needs.

Option 1: Temporarily stop renewing existing instances by selecting Nonrenewal manually. After June 30, 2020, you can update your preferred settings (e.g. 1Mbps fixed bandwidth) on your next renewal.

Option 2: Stop your current instances and replace them with Simple Application Server (SAS). SAS offers affordable servers with data transfers plans, starting from $3.40/month. Each user can purchase up to 20 instances. For details, please see here.

Option 3: Keep using your current instances and settings at standard list price after renewal (excluding Data Transfers Plan). See herefor pricing.

How Can I Find My Starter Package 2.0 Instance(s) 

All of your Starter Package instance IDs will be listedhereunder “Manual / Auto / Nonrenewal” tabs.

What Will Happen to My Current Instance(s) from June 30, 2020?

1. Will there be any discounts when I renew my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance?

    You will no longer receive any renewal discounts once it is taken offline.

2. Can I get a Data Transfer Plan when I renew my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance?

    No, you cannot get any additional Data Transfer Plan for existing Starter Package Version 2.0 instances once it is taken offline.

3. What happens if I renew the ECS instance after Version 2.0 is taken offline?

    You will be charged based on the standard list price of your configured ECS instance as listed here (excluding Data Transfer Plan).

4. What if my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance(s) gets renewed automatically?

    You will also be charged at the standard list price. If you do not wish to renew your Version 2.0 instances, please set them to “Nonrenewal” through the console.

5. Are there any limitations on bandwidth and instance(s) upgrade after Version 2.0 is taken offline?

    There are no limitations. Your Starter Package Version 2.0 instance will become a regular ECS instance, which can be configured to your preferred bandwidth settings and can be upgraded or downgraded based on your requirements.

Thank you for your understanding and your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us or your account manager.

Alibaba Cloud



如果你需要国内访问速度快的海外免备案 VPS 云服务器,便宜VPS网这里给大家介绍 2 款,目前我打算把网站迁移到 UCloud 去,如果你预算够也是可以购买搬瓦工香港的:

  1. UCloud:《UCloud:中国香港 CN2 GIA VPS,最高 10Mbps 可选,150 元/年起》
  2. 搬瓦工:《搬瓦工香港方案已免费升级成香港 CN2 GIA,三网直连,1Gbps 带宽,建站推荐》

或者选择搬瓦工的美西 CN2 GIA VPS 建站也是不错的:《美西大带宽 CN2 GIA VPS 推荐:搬瓦工 CN2 GIA-E 全线补货,最高 10Gbps 带宽》


目前值得购买的便宜 VPS:

  1. 搬瓦工限量版:《搬瓦工CN2 GIA 限量版:可选 CN2 GIA 和日本软银机房,年付 99.99 美元》
  2. 腾讯云便宜国内云服务器:《腾讯云秒杀:1C2G1M 云服务器年付 99 元,轻量 1C2G5M 3 年 297 元》
  3. 腾讯云海外购:《海外云服务器 1.8 折起,香港 / 日本 / 韩国 / 新加坡等 27 个机房可选》
  4. 搬瓦工 VPS:《搬瓦工专题:搬瓦工方案整理,搬瓦工优惠码,搬瓦工教程》
  5. Vultr VPS:《Vultr 专题:新人老用户优惠整理与 Vultr 优惠码分享》

也可以关注之前 便宜VPS网 对于便宜 VPS 的总结:

  1. 便宜 VPS 总结:《便宜VPS整理与推荐》 & 《便宜 VPS / 便宜主机 / 便宜服务器 / 便宜域名整理分享与推荐》
  2. 香港 VPS 总结:《2023 年最好用的香港 VPS 推荐和香港机房、商家整理》
  3. CN2 GIA VPS 总结:《2023 年最好用的 CN2 GIA VPS 推荐和 CN2 GIA 商家整理》

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