Linode JP Tokyo1 机房终将寿终正寝,预计于 2019.06.08 正式关闭

一、Linode 邮件原文
二、Linode 目前的相关方案和优惠

昨天收到 Linode 发来的邮件,告知拖延了许久的 Tokyo1 机房终于要最终关闭了,之前就一直说要迁移到 Tokyo2,但是也一直没有强制迁移,本来还想着是不是会变成传家宝,尤其是之前 Tokyo1 机房的机器从 Xen 升级到 KVM(Linode JP Tokyo1 升级KVM/速度/网络等测评),但是现在看来,终究难逃宿命。Linode 预计将于 2019 年 6 月 8 日将所有的 Tokyo1 的 VPS 迁移到 Tokyo2,到时候 Tokyo1 机房就算是正式关闭了,我们一起来看一下邮件。

一、Linode 邮件原文



We hope you’re doing well! We are reaching out to inform you that on June 8th, 2019, we will begin migrating Linodes from our Tokyo 1 data center to our Tokyo 2 data center. Here’s a summary of how this will affect you:

– Your IPs will change and you can view your new IPs from the Remote Access tab of your Linode’s Dashboard within the Classic Manager[1].
– Your migration dates and times are available in the Classic Manager and they cannot be delayed. You can start your migration early by clicking on the “Enter the Migration Queue NOW” button on the Linode’s Dashboard.
– Your existing Backups will be deleted. New Backups will be taken in Tokyo 2.
– Your Linode(s) will experience downtime of 5-10 minutes per GB of data.
– Your Linode(s) will not be upgraded as part of this migration. You are free to upgrade your Linode(s) once they have migrated to our Tokyo 2 data center.

We are migrating Linodes out of our Tokyo 1 data center in advance of the data center being decommissioned. To help ease this transition, we’ve applied a credit to your account equal to one month of service for each of your Tokyo 1 Linodes. We strongly recommend you review our Tokyo 2 Migration doc[2] to help you prepare for this transition.

When your Linode(s) migrates, it will be cleanly shut down and migrated to our Tokyo 2 data center. If you initiated the migration manually, your Linode(s) will be returned to its previous state (running or powered off). You can monitor your position in the migration queue from your Linode’s Dashboard.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,


[1] –

[2] –




– 您的IP将更改,您可以从经典管理器[1]内的Linode仪表板的远程访问选项卡中查看新IP。
– 您的运送日期和时间在经典管理器中可用,并且不能延迟。您可以通过单击Linode的仪表板上的“立即输入迁移队列”按钮来提前开始迁移。
– 您的现有备份将被删除。新备份将在东京2进行。
– 您的Linode每GB数据的停机时间为5-10分钟。
– 您的Linode将不会作为此迁移的一部分进行升级。迁移到东京2数据中心后,您可以自由升级您的Linode。

在数据中心退役之前,我们正在将Linodes迁移出东京1数据中心。为了帮助您轻松实现此转换,我们为您的每个东京1 Linode应用了相当于一个月服务的帐户余额。强烈建议您查看我们的东京2迁移文档[2],以帮助您为此过渡做好准备。




二、Linode 目前的相关方案和优惠

性价比比较:《搬瓦工、Linode、Vultr 三家 VPS 商家价格、配置、线路、速度、性价比分析对比》。

新方案介绍:《Linode 新上线独享 CPU 方案,2 核独享,月付 $30 起步》。

优惠码整理:《Linode 2019 年 2 月最新优惠码整理,新用户充值赠送 20 美金》。